Last Updated: December 1, 2020
Originally Published: December 7, 2018
Skill Level: Intermediate
Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- What Is Needed
- Background Information
- Building The Circuit
- Creating The Sketch
- Extending And Improving The Sketch
- Summary
In this tutorial, you will learn how to access and control an Arduino Uno development board from a web browser. I will show you how to control 3 LEDs, but this implementation can be easily extended to access and control much more.
A basic understanding of electronics and programming is expected along with some familiarity with the Arduino platform. If you are new to the Arduino platform or would just like to refresh your knowledge, check out our Blink: Making An LED Blink On An Arduino Uno tutorial first before proceeding with this one. In addition, this tutorial will use a solderless breadboard to build a circuit from a schematic diagram. The All About Circuit’s Understanding Schematics, SparkFun’s How to Read a Schematic, Core Electronics’ How to Use Breadboards, and Science Buddies’ How to Use a Breadboard guides are good resources for learning how to translate a schematic to a breadboard.
All resources created for this tutorial are available on GitHub for your reference.
What Is Needed
- Linux, macOS, Or Windows Based Computer With A USB Port
- Arduino IDE
- Either An Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 (available on Arduino and SparkFun) OR An Arduino Uno (available on Arduino and SparkFun) With An Attached Arduino WiFi Shield
- Arduino Uno Compatible USB Cable
- Solderless Breadboard (available on Adafruit and SparkFun)
- 4 x Male-Male Jumper Wires (available on Adafruit and Arrow)
- 3 x Standard 5mm LEDs (1 green, 1 yellow, 1 red; available on SparkFun and Mouser)
- 3 x 330 Ω Resistors (available on SparkFun and Amazon)
Background Information
This tutorial was written to work for two distinct Arduino configurations, either the new Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 development board on its own or the Arduino Uno R3 with an attached Arduino WiFi Shield. My development system consists of connecting each configuration to a macOS based computer with the desktop Arduino IDE. If you are using a different Arduino or computer setup, the vast majority of this tutorial should still apply, however, some minor changes may be necessary. If you need help with your specific setup, post a question in the comments section below and someone can try to help you.
The Arduino WiFi Shield used in this project was retired a few years ago in favor of using either WiFi integrated directly onto the Arduino board itself (e.g. Arduino MKR1000 WiFi) or with a separate low cost WiFi module (e.g. ESP8266). However, the shield and its associated WiFi library (recently retired) continue to be actively used by the Arduino community.
The Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 was released very recently and incorporates an integrated ESP32 WiFi module. The WiFiNINA library used with this board is extremely similar to the WiFi library used with the Arduino WiFi Shield. For that reason, we will cover both configurations in this tutorial.
Building The Circuit
If you are using the Arduino WiFi Shield, carefully align and attach it to the Arduino Uno development board.
The connection headers for both the Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 and the Arduino WiFi Shield (attached on top of the original Arduino Uno) follow the same pinout specifications. This allows us to refer to a particular pin and it will have the same location regardless of the board configuration we are using.
Now let’s build the circuit to connect the LEDs to the header. See the schematic below for the circuit diagram.

Attach the red LED to the breadboard by connecting the anode of the LED to one of the breadboard’s terminal strips and the cathode to the ground bus strip. The anode (positive terminal) of an LED is longer than the cathode (negative terminal). Connect one end of a 330 Ω resistor to the terminal strip containing the red LED’s anode and the other end of the resistor to an adjacent terminal strip.
Follow the same process as above for wiring the yellow and green LEDs as well.
Attach one end of a jumper wire to the open end of the resistor connected to the red LED. Attach the other end to pin D2 on the Arduino header. In a similar fashion, connect jumper wires for the yellow and green LEDs to pins D3 and D5 respectively. Also, attach a jumper wire from the ground bus strip on the breadboard to one of the ground (GND) pins on the Arduino header. For the curious, I skipped pins D0, D1, and D4 since D0 and D1 are used for USB communication between the computer and the original Arduino Uno and D4 is used for SPI communication with the Arduino WiFi Shield.
Once the circuit is completed, it should look like the photo below.

You can now connect the Arduino to your computer via the USB cable.
Creating The Sketch
Let’s begin by opening the Arduino IDE and installing the necessary boards and libraries required.
If you are using the new Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 board, first select Tools > Board: … > Boards Manager… from the main menu to open the Boards Manager, then install the Arduino megaAVR Boards by Arduino boards library that includes Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 board support. Then select Tools > Board: … > Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 within the Arduino megaAVR section from the main menu to select the board. To install the WiFiNINA library, select Tools > Manage Libraries… to open the Library Manager, then search for and install the WiFiNINA library.
If you are using the original Arduino Uno board with an attached Arduino WiFi Shield, select Tools > Manage Libraries… to open the Library Manager, then search for and install the WiFi built-in library. The base Arduino Uno board library should already be installed.
Select Tools > Port: … and select the appropriate port for the Arduino board if it is not already configured for you. Please note that when setting up the new Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 board, I had to reboot my computer before the port was available for selection.
Now let’s create our sketch.
If you are using the Arduino Uno with the Arduino WiFi Shield, select File > Examples > RETIRED > WiFi > SimpleWebServerWiFi from the main menu to open the example sketch we will use in this project.
If you are using the Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2, select File > Examples > WiFiNINA > SimpleWebServerWiFi from the main menu to open the example sketch we will use in this project.
Save the example sketch as SimpleWebServerWifi_LEDs so that we can begin making our modifications.
We need to update the network credentials in the current sketch so that we can connect the Arduino to our network.
If you are using the Arduino Uno with the Arduino WiFi Shield, replace yourNetwork and secretPassword (on lines 26 and 27 within the sketch) with your network’s SSID name and password respectively.
If you are using the Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2, the network credentials are now located in a separate file (tab) named arduino_secrets.h. Add your network’s SSID name and password within the empty quotes and they will be included in the main sketch.
We have had a fair amount of “if this board, then…”, but all operations from here on should now apply to both board configurations.
The example sketch currently expects an LED to be attached to pin 9
. Let’s change that to use pin 2
instead that currently has the red LED attached. Change pin 9
to pin 2
for setting the pin mode (around line 35) within the setup()
function. It should now look like the following.
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
Now let’s change pin 9
to pin 2
for displaying the web page within the loop() function to show the correct pin. These are located around line 85 and should look like
client.print("Click <a href=\"/H\">here</a> turn the LED on pin 2 on<br>"); client.print("Click <a href=\"/L\">here</a> turn the LED on pin 2 off<br>");
Likewise, let’s change the pins for the digitalWrite()
functions (around line 101 towards the bottom of the loop()
function) that turn on and off the LED. Those lines should now look like the following.
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
Verify the code compiles correctly, fix any syntax errors that are displayed, and save the sketch.
Now it is time to run and test our updated sketch. First, open the Serial Monitor window by selecting Tools > Serial Monitor from the main menu of the Arduino IDE. This will enable us to see informational output from the Arduino while the sketch is running.
Next, upload the sketch to the Arduino board and you should see Attempting to connect to Network … in the Serial Monitor window once it is running. When the Arduino has connected to the network, it will display a URL, similar to, that should be typed into a web browser to view the web page served up by the Arduino. The page should look like

Test that it works by clicking the here links and watch the red LED actually turn on and off on the board. Cool, right? Notice that the web page here links append /H
or /L
to turn on (high) or off (low) the LED respectively.
Extending And Improving The Sketch
Now that we have a working program, let’s add the other LEDs.
We could specify pin numbers in our code when addressing the Arduino’s pins as we did above, but I find it a lot nicer to map the pins to their expected use. This is especially true once our programs become much larger and we use a lot of pins. This allows us to write digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH)
instead of digitalWrite(2, HIGH)
which to me is much more informative and self documenting. So let’s map the LEDs to their respective pin numbers. Add the following lines after the #include
lines and before the network lines we updated previously. This area is located towards the beginning of the sketch file.
const int redLED = 2; const int yellowLED = 3; const int greenLED = 5;
Now we want to set the pin modes for the LEDs (around line 39) within the setup()
function by replacing
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(yellowLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
This is much easier to read and understand, don’t you think?
Since we are accessing the Arduino from a web page and may not be in close proximity to the Arduino, we won’t always have the visual cue as to if the LEDs actually turned on and off as expected. Sometimes the commands (endpoints) may not go through properly or we just have an issue with our program. This never happens to anyone, right? 😉 So let’s change the web page to not only show us what the Arduino believes to be the status of each of the LEDs, but also incorporate all LEDs into a nice table format. Since this will require a little bit more code than just changing a few lines, let’s place it in a new function named showWebPage()
Replace the following code (around lines 84-95) within the loop()
// HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK) // and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line: client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client.println("Content-type:text/html"); client.println(); // the content of the HTTP response follows the header: client.print("Click <a href=\"/H\">here</a> turn the LED on pin 2 on<br>"); client.print("Click <a href=\"/L\">here</a> turn the LED on pin 2 off<br>"); // The HTTP response ends with another blank line: client.println();
with simply the following function call.
Now let’s add our new function (shown below) just before the existing printWifiStatus()
function at the bottom of the program.
void showWebPage(WiFiClient client) { // HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK) // and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line: client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client.println("Content-type:text/html"); client.println(); // the content of the HTTP response follows the header: client.println("<h1>Arduino Remote Control</h1>"); client.println("<table border=1 style='text-align:center'>"); client.println("<tr><th>Component</th><th>Status</th><th>Control</th></tr>"); // Red LED client.print("<tr><td>Red LED</td><td>"); if (digitalRead(redLED)) { client.print("<font style='color:green;'>ON</font>"); } else { client.print("<font style='color:red;'>OFF</font>"); } client.println("</td><td><a href='/redLED/on'>ON</a> / <a href='/redLED/off'>OFF</a></td></tr>"); // Yellow LED client.print("<tr><td>Yellow LED</td><td>"); if (digitalRead(yellowLED)) { client.print("<font style='color:green;'>ON</font>"); } else { client.print("<font style='color:red;'>OFF</font>"); } client.println("</td><td><a href='/yellowLED/on'>ON</a> / <a href='/yellowLED/off'>OFF</a></td></tr>"); // Green LED client.print("<tr><td>Green LED</td><td>"); if (digitalRead(greenLED)) { client.print("<font style='color:green;'>ON</font>"); } else { client.print("<font style='color:red;'>OFF</font>"); } client.println("</td><td><a href='/greenLED/on'>ON</a> / <a href='/greenLED/off'>OFF</a></td></tr>"); client.println("</table>"); // The HTTP response ends with another blank line client.println(); }
Well, this looks a little different. What is going on here? Instead of just expanding the use of the here links for multiple LEDs, I thought it would be nicer to display the links in a table like fashion and add a title. Font colors are now being used to display the status of each LED as either green (ON
) or red (OFF
) depending on the state of each LED. Also, instead of just sending /H
or /L
endpoints as was done for the single LED, I changed them to be /redLED/on
and /redLED/off
, /yellowLED/on
and /yellowLED/off
, and /greenLED/on
and /greenLED/off
, for the red, yellow, and green LEDs respectively. This also makes it much easier for us to understand when we just want to enter the commands (endpoints) directly for turning on and off the various LEDs. This approach can be easily extended to incorporate additional components in the future.
Next, we need to update the actual turning on and off the LEDs on the Arduino. Let’s follow the same approach and create another function named performRequest()
to perform this task.
Again, replace the following code (around lines 94-100) within the loop()
function from
// Check to see if the client request was "GET /H" or "GET /L": if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /H")) { digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH); // GET /H turns the LED on } if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /L")) { digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); // GET /L turns the LED off }
to simply the following line.
Now add the performRequest()
function, shown below, and place it between the showWebPage()
function we created earlier and the printWifiStatus()
function at the bottom of the program.
void performRequest(String line) { if (line.endsWith("GET /redLED/on")) { digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH); } else if (line.endsWith("GET /redLED/off")) { digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); } else if (line.endsWith("GET /yellowLED/on")) { digitalWrite(yellowLED, HIGH); } else if (line.endsWith("GET /yellowLED/off")) { digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW); } else if (line.endsWith("GET /greenLED/on")) { digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH); } else if (line.endsWith("GET /greenLED/off")) { digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW); } }
Verify, save, and upload the updated sketch and see what the web page now looks like. Looking good! We now use the ON and OFF links within the Control column, instead of the here links, to turn on and off each of the LEDs.

In this tutorial, we learned how to view the status and control three LEDs on an Arduino Uno board from a web browser. Examples for both the new Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 board and the original Arduino Uno board with an attached Arduino WiFi Shield were provided. Although this may be a simple example, this approach can be extended to control a wide variety of operations and/or components. The endpoints used here can even be used within scripts, smartphone applications, etc. for even more functionality.
The complete sketch with some minor improvements and formatting changes and the schematic are available on GitHub for your reference.
Thank you for joining me along this journey and I hope you enjoyed the experience. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
John, this is fantastic! Thanks for putting this together for the Arduino community. I’m still fairly new to Arduino and just received my new Uno WiFi Rev 2 yesterday and have been struggling to find good tutorials on using Arduino WiFi communications. I really like the way you expanded the original WiFi sketch to include three LEDs and draw the table in HTML. Very helpful and easy to follow.
Thank you so much for the kind words. I am glad to hear that you found the article useful. Let me know if there are particular topics you would like to see in the future.
Hi John!
Thank you so much for the time you’ve put into this. I am completely new to arduino and doing REU research (undergrad summer project) at Oregon State. My goal is to wirelessly connect to an arduino uno wifi rev2 to have push-button control of a servo motor and to receive IMU and imaging data. (aka lots of work ahead for a newbie!)
The problem I am currently having is connecting to the wifi network. It is a secure network managed by Oregon state (eduroam) to which each OSU affiliate has a username and password. I’ve been running example codes from the WifiNINA library with my specific user and pass for the secret SSID and pass. The serial monitor prints “Attempting to connect to …..” until I abort the code.
Do you think it will still be possible to connect this board to network with this level of security?
Or should I jump ship and go for a ESP8266, a wireless USB (, or a bluetooth chip (
Thank you so much!!
Hi Anna,
I did some quick research on connecting to the eduroam network and found that other people are having similar issues. I personally don’t have enough experience in this area to provide guidance, but I did come across the How connect ESP32 to WPA/WPA2 Enterprise network? article that may help you. It specifically mentions the eduroam network. Otherwise, I would submit a request to the Arduino Forum and hopefully someone with more experience can provide assistance.
Hello John,
First of all, many thanks to share your knowledge!
Up to now , I was using Arduino Uno and and Arduino Mega in a sail boat, as GPS, IMU, Thermometer, Barometer aso…
Recently I bought a Uno Wifi Rev2 to try to drive other accessories.
I used your sketch ,but I’ve been facing to a strange concern, when using SimpleWebServerWIFI sketch as starting base from Wifinina 1.4.0, and with Arduino IDE 1.8.10, the SSID is not recognised and the verified sketch does not work, but when I use as basis, the AP_SimpleWebServer from the same Wifinina 1.4.0 and with the same Arduino IDE 1.8.10 with all of your sketch parts added, all is working well, the SSID is recognised and I can pilot the 3 leds.
Are you aware of this fact?
Yours truly
I see the opposite occurring on my side. Upon running the two example sketches, the IP address provided by SimpleWebServerWIFI is (does connect) and the one by AP_SimpleWebServer is (does not connect). My guess is that the AP version is creating a specific access point and the original version is just connecting through normal DHCP methods. Perhaps our routers are configured differently.
UPDATE: I actually did a little more research and the AP sketch is indeed creating a separate access point (and network) which I can then access the Arduino by connecting to its new SSID and IP address. In summary, the AP sketch is creating a new network and the original sketch uses an existing network. Hope this helps.
I’m certainly still a novice when it comes to Arduino IDE, but I have an UNO WiFi R2 and I think I may try to make an IR blaster to replace my recently failed (and always just a bit annoying before that) Logitech Harmony hub. I suspect a bunch of people would enjoy a relatively painless DIY alternative, and if it costs less than $70, that would be great too! Any tips or thoughts? TIA!
This looks like it good be a good future article.
Hi John,
I am writing to you because you may know how to solve an issue I am having regarding the use of the Arduino Wi-Fi Rev2 board. What I want to do is wirelessly connect two of these microcontrollers together by uploading a transmitter code to one arduino and a receiver code to the other that would just send text such as hello world. I successfully did this with two arduino uno’s but they were physically connected using jumper wires, but I actually need the two arduinos to sync without the use of any wires as the Arduino Wi-Fi’s will be placed in different locations in the same room. I think if there was a way to initialise the serial ports in which the code was uploaded to both Arduino’s it could maybe work?? Any idea how to do this or any suggestions on how to go about this??
I’ll attach the code i used to send transmit and receive data using the Arduino Uno’s. I’m really new to the Arduino Wi-Fi and don’t really understand the functions used in the SPI and wifiNINA libraries and unfortunately there isnt much information or tutorials online on how to go about this.
Serial communication Transmitter Code:
char mystr[11] = “Hello World”; //String data
void setup() {
// Begin the Serial at 9600 Baud
void loop() {
Serial.write(mystr,11); //Write the serial data
Serial communication Receiver Code:
char mystr[21]; //Initialized variable to store recieved data
void setup() {
// Begin the Serial at 9600 Baud
void loop() {
Serial.readBytes(mystr,11); //Read the serial data and store in var
Serial.println(mystr); //Print data on Serial Monitor
Since your boards are going to be within the same room, you could communicate using a Bluetooth connection. I have not yet done this myself, but was planning on researching this and writing an article on it in the future. It probably won’t be as simple as a basic serial connection, but may do the trick for you. If this interests you, see the ArduinoBLE library reference and the GitHub repository for reference material and examples. I’ll try to take a closer look at both the WiFiNINA and ArduinoBLE libraries and see if I can find something that works for you.
I looked into this today and it appears the WiFiNINA library’s WiFiUdpSendReceiveString example sketch (Main Menu > File > Examples > WiFiNINA > WiFiUdpSendReceiveString) may be a good option for you. Add your WiFi credentials to the arduino_secrets.h file and run the sketch on your Arduino WiFi Rev2 board. Any UDP packet (string) that is sent to the Arduino is retrieved and printed to the Serial Monitor in lines 71-88 of the sketch. Lines 90-93 sends back a UDP message (“acknowledged” defined on line 28) to the original sender. I tested this on my macOS system with the following command line.
$ echo ‘hello world’ | nc -u 2390
The IP address ( is the one reported in the Serial Monitor and the port (2390) was defined on line 25 of the sketch.
Based on your original comment, it looks like you just want to have one Arduino be a sender and another one be a receiver. For the sender’s sketch, you could just remove the first part of the
function, lines 71-88 and trailing}
, and use lines 90-93 replacingReplyBuffer
with whatever message string you want to send. You will also need to replaceUdp.remoteIP()
on line 91 with the address and port for the receiver. Likewise for the receiver’s sketch, remove lines 90-93 from theloop()
function and yourpacketBuffer
variable will contain your received message.I hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more assistance. We are all learning.
Hi John,
Thank you so much for replying and actually putting some research into this for me. I really appreciate this. So good of you! I’m going to give this a try tomorrow and will let you know how I get, on, even it it works i’ll let you know. Thank again! 🙂
You a very welcome.
Hello again John,
I am the girl who left a comment on this regarding wirelessly connecting two Arduino Wi-Fi Rev2’s together. The instructions you sent on work great! Thank You Again, Really Appreciate it!! 🙂
The only issue I am having is that when I try connect it to a smartphone its not picking up the hotspot from my phone (iPhone 7). I have to connect it to a smartphone rather than a router as I will be presenting this in college later in the year, and for hotspot the bluetooth needs to be on in order to recognize the phone’s Wi-Fi for some reason. Is there a way to enable the bluetooth module on the Arduino Wi-Fi Rev2??
If you have any info on how to do so that would be amazing, if not don’t worry I understand you haven’t really done much work on this stuff yet and/ or really busy with other projects.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Hello again,
Just letting you know I solved the issue. the reason it was not responding to my hotspot was because my SSID was more than 1 word. Once the SSID was changed to one word it worked. Just in case anyone was having any issues like this or will encounter this issue in the future.
This is excellent news. Thank you for letting us know.
Hello John,
Sorry to bother you again but I did experience an issue with adding in the IP address for the sender code stating that
“WiFiUdpSendString-TEST:111:34: error: too many decimal points in number
Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(, Udp.remotePort());
exit status 1
too many decimal points in number ”
Did you have this issue?? Do I have to declare the Udp.remoteIP(); as a float to recognise the IP address itself?? If you could let me know how you coded the ip address or let me know where I am going wrong it would be highly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
Hi Chloe,
I successfully used the following simple statement.
Udp.beginPacket("", 2390);
Hi John,
Thank you so much because it wasn’t working for me because I didn’t add in the quotations. Thank you again, now I know. Yay!
Hello John,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge ! You wrote, in 2018 : “Note, the latest version of the library is 1.3.0, but the latest production version of the Arduino IDE (1.8.7) does not yet support updating the firmware of the on-board WiFi module to a version that supports this version of the library. Install the 1.1.1 version of the WiFiNINA library in order to ensure compatibility.” : is it always the case now, in 2020, with 1.8.12 Arduino IDE version ?
Many thanks,
Michel Brahhammer
Hi Michel,
Thanks for reading. The problem (note) you mentioned no longer appears to be an issue.
Hi John
I wonder if you could advise on a problem with OTA using the Arduino Uno Rev2.
I’m proposing to convert my redundant RC golf trolley into a autonomous lawn mower. To test various ideas I thought I would control it using one of my hobby RC transmitter/receivers. I initially used an Arduino Uno and this works fine.
With this setup making changes to the program is a pain. So I bought the WiFi version.
I’ve got your test LED programming working but there is no network port showing. It must be avaiable otherwise the LED program wouldn’t work.
Thank you
I would be happy to help, but I don’t quite understand your question. I don’t know what you mean by “I’ve got your test LED programming working but there is no network port showing”. It sounds like you are saying that your Arduino never connects to the network and you are never given an IP address within the Serial Monitor. Is that correct? Have you verified your network credentials? Have you tried running the initial SimpleWebServerWiFi example sketch without any changes other than updating your network credentials?
Many thanks for your reply. I mentioned your LED program works and I can switch the LEDs from a browser using the given address I also have the same result with SimpleWebServerWiFi i.e operates through that IP.
From my reading on how to use OTA I go to Tools, Port and should see network port(s). All I see is the serial ports on my Windows 10 machine
I should explain, though it is probably obvious, I’m new to Arduino so I could well be missing something quite obvious.
I think I understand what you are asking now. You are currently able to control the Arduino over the WiFi network, however, you also want to update the Arduino program over the network as well. Is that correct? I am not aware of the Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 having that capability, however, it appears the ESP8266 does as shown in this tutorial.
I think I may not be the first to be frustrated by the WiFi Rev2 be promoted as OTA compatible. It would have much cheaper to have bought an ESP8266 which I have now just ordered.
Thank you for your help
I’m glad you found a solution. Until you mentioned it, I was not aware of any board having this capability. Where did you see the promotions for the WiFi Rev2 board? Maybe it is possible. By the way, Espressif, the company that makes the ESP8266 module, has a new module that has been getting a lot of attention recently. It is called the ESP32-S2, which is an upgrade to the ESP32 module, which itself is an upgrade to the ESP8266. You might want to check it out. It might also have the capability that you are looking for with some additional enhancements. Have fun with your project!
Hello John!
I’ve been reading through the previous comments and had a question I was hoping you could clarify. I am a student and I don’t have much experience with arduino but I purchased an Arduino Uno Wifi Rev 2 with the hopes of being able to upload code via a wifi network because once in use for my inteneded application, I won’t be able to physically access the arduino to plug it into my computer and upload new code via USB. It is possible to upload code to the Arudino Uno Wifi Rev 2 over a Wifi network? Thank you so much for any info you could provide!
I don’t believe the Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 has that capability, however, the ESP8266 module does allow over the air (OTA) updates as shown in this tutorial.
John’s advice is sound. I’ve taken it and gone down the ESP8266 route with a PCF8574 to get a few more ports. I have one of them interfaced through a WiFi serial port. I wasted days trying to get the WiFi Rev 2 to work OTA.
It’s also great for working with Blynk.
Thank you all!
Thank you for your work on this.
I am encountering two upload errors with the sketch:
avrdude: usbdev_open(): cannot open device: Permission denied
avrdude: jtag3_open_common(): Did not find any device matching VID 0x03eb and PID list: 0x2145
I am using the latest version of Arduino on a Linux system running Ubuntu.
Can you assist me in getting past these hurdles?
Sorry to hear you are having difficulty. It appears to be a problem with the general connection of your board, not with the sketch itself. This seems to happen more on Linux based systems. I’m not sure I can provide much help. I would suggest you first verify your board connection settings are correct and then try uploading the basic Blink sketch (Main Menu > File > Examples > 01.Basics > Blink) to see if that works. If it does not, take a look at this post on the Arduino Forum, it is old but perhaps it will provide some guidance for you. If that still doesn’t help, I suggest posting a new question on the Forum. Good luck and thank you for your readership.
Thanks John…I’ll give the ol’ Blink a try and go from there…
With the help of my Unix guru (AKA, my son), we traced this problem to a permissions issue.
Issue resolved, now I can get on with enjoying the WiFi capabilities of Arduino.
Thanks again,
That is great news; glad to hear you got it resolved.
Thanks John for you guidance with this. This is my fiorst working project with the Arduino Uno Rev 2 WiFi. On to the next project with a stgepper motor.
You are very welcome! I’m glad you are enjoying the learning process. You mentioned stepper motors. I am planning on having some stepper motor tutorials available in the new year.
That would be most helpful.